Commercial roof leaks can lead to catastrophic water damage and losses. The leaks may also increase safety hazards. As a proactive business owner, you need to look for ways to prevent roof leaks to mitigate these risks. The idea is to detect commercial roofing problems early on and fix them to prevent leaks. You also need to know when to invest in commercial roof repair or replacement.
Read on to discover five common causes of commercial roof leaks and how to prevent them.
Poor workmanship during commercial roof installation increases the risk of leaks. Inexperienced roofers might not know the right way to install roofing systems. Installation errors with other kinds of roofing materials will also create problems.
To ensure proper commercial roof installation and mitigate these risks, look for experienced roofers. Seek references from other business owners before you hire a given commercial roofing company. Your goal is to pick a company you trust to deliver excellent commercial roofing services.
Poor drainage, in many instances, leads to water pools on a roof. Some ponding water is acceptable for a certain amount of time after rainfall. But, if excessive water is sitting on the roof for an extended time it may find a passage into the business premises.
So, when you prepare to install a commercial roof, you need to consider where the water will drain. Also, consult professional roofers if you suspect your roof has poor drainage. These experts will guide you on how to improve your roof’s drainage and prevent leaks.
A roof membrane seals a flat roof and makes it waterproof. Unfortunately, with time the roof membrane might be damaged by the elements or maintenance personnel improperly traveling the roof or dropping an object. Water can enter your roof and flow down the building when the roof membrane is damaged.
To mitigate this risk, watch out for early signs of roof membrane damage, such as cracks and shrinkage. If you see damages, contact commercial roofers to repair or replace your damaged roof membrane.
The roof flashing seals the areas around your vents, roof curbs, and other penetrations. It also provides an additional protection layer to the roof membrane’s exterior edges. Unfortunately, the roof flashing might expand, contract, or become loose due to exposure to harsh weather conditions.
When this happens, it creates a passage for water to pour under the membrane. Also, flashing damage might weaken the roof structure and ceiling due to moisture damage. Invest in regular commercial roof inspections to minimize these risks.
Many commercial roofs have a lifespan of 15 to 30 years. After this period, you should consider commercial roof replacement. Yet, with so many other business activities, it’s easy to forget to update your commercial roof’s maintenance records.
Your commercial building with an old roof has a high risk of leaking. You need to regularly update your roof’s maintenance records to mitigate this risk. Also, consult experts on whether to settle on commercial roof repair or replacement.
Finally, seek insights on how to finance a commercial roof replacement. The goal is to replace an old commercial roof to prevent leaks and curb the risk of damages caused by roof leaks.
As a savvy business owner, your goal is to take proactive measures to keep your commercial roof in good condition. You also need to learn when to replace your commercial roof.
Are you planning to replace your old commercial roof to prevent leaks? Contact us today at Berwald Roofing to learn more about our commercial roof replacement services, repairs, and maintenance.
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Trust Berwald Roofing, Minnesota's experts in roofing, sheet metal, and wall panels with your project, no matter the size.
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Saint Paul, MN 55109
Phone: 651-777-7411
Fax: 651-777-1371